Hugo Learn

Moved to relearn: Main resource comes from:

Create your project

Hugo provides a new command to create a new website.
hugo new site <new_project>

Install the theme

Install the Hugo-theme-learn theme by following this documentation
This theme’s repository is:
Alternatively, you can download the theme as .zip file and extract it in the themes directory

Basic configuration

When building the website, you can set a theme by using –theme option. However, we suggest you modify the configuration file (config.toml) and set the theme as the default. You can also add the [outputs] section to enable the search functionality.

# Change the default theme to be use when building the site with Hugo
theme = "hugo-theme-learn"

# For search functionality
home = [ "HTML", "RSS", "JSON"]

Create your first chapter page

Chapters are pages that contain other child pages. It has a special layout style and usually just contains a chapter name, the title and a brief abstract of the section.

### Chapter 1

# Basics

Discover what this Hugo theme is all about and the core concepts behind it.

Hugo-theme-learn provides archetypes to create skeletons for your website. Begin by creating your first chapter page with the following command

hugo new --kind chapter basics/

Create your first content pages

Then, create content pages inside the previously created chapter. Here are two ways to create content in the chapter:

hugo new basics/
hugo new basics/second-content/

A good Example: